Due to various reasons such as sedentary life, working at a desk for a long time, weakening of the muscles located behind the spine can trigger November straightening. Waist straightening, also called lumbar straightening; pain that negatively affects life, posture disorder can even lead to problems that will prevent walking. Applications such as rest, proper exercises, physiotherapy, manual therapy are among the first treatments that come to mind Deceleration. Untreated waist straightening, on the other hand, can lead to much more serious health problems such as hunching over in the later stages.
“How does waist straightening pass?”, “Do I need surgery for waist straightening?” such questions are often raised by patients. Surgical methods are very rarely used in the treatment of waist straightening. A mobile lifestyle is the first step in the treatment of waist straightening. The methods used in the treatment of waist straightening can generally be listed as follows;
Waist straightening exercises
Posture, that is, posture training
Massage and manual therapies
Corset treatment
Epidural injection treatments
How is waist straightening surgery performed?
Waist straightening is usually not a discomfort that requires surgery. In the vast majority of patients, exercise, physiotherapy or posture training, that is, posture training, can get rid of their problems. Waist straightening is a condition that responds much faster to treatment, especially at a young age. However, it can be resistant at an advanced age. In the advanced form of waist straightening, kyphosis, that is, hunchback, may develop. First, flattening of the backbone, which normally draws an arc forward, and then reversing this arc, can create a hump. Humpback is a condition that may require surgical treatment. Kyphosis disorder is a disorder that may require surgical intervention. Especially at an advanced age, waist straightening can progress rapidly. A surgical picture may occur with the addition of bone resorption, that is, osteoporosis. For this reason, it is important to prevent waist straightening in young and middle ages.
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