A cerebral hemorrhage can be described in a simple way as a hemorrhage that occurs inside the skull. Bleeding can occur as a result of blood leaking out of the veins inside the skull, as well as on the brain tissue and brain surface. The resulting bleeding can spread into the brain tissue or between the brain membranes and the Decapitation bone. Brain hemorrhages that can lead to death can occur outside the brain tissue inside the skull or inside the brain tissue. The common result here is the pushing and squeezing of brain tissue.
Brain hemorrhages, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the brain, are conditions that always require a doctor’s supervision and sometimes require emergency intervention. The entire brain is in danger because of the increased pressure inside the skull after a cerebral hemorrhage. In order for the correct treatment of cerebral hemorrhage to be applied, the location of the hemorrhage, the cause of the cerebral hemorrhage and the size of the hemorrhage should be determined. The treatment to be applied without wasting time reduces the negative effects of bleeding and increases the patient’s chances of recovery and the benefits provided by the treatment. Blood pressure should be monitored closely in the hours after brain hemorrhage. Surgical methods can be used in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, as well as drugs for the elimination of cerebral edema and epileptic seizures can also be applied.
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