Liver Transplantation
Liver transplantation is the only treatment for chronic liver failure. It means replacing the diseased liver with a sound liver. Cirrhosis is the most common group of liver transplanted diseases in the whole world. This is followed by a number of congenital diseases and some liver tumors.
How To Find a Sound Liver For Transplantation?
Organs are needed for organ transplantation, and the source of organs is humans. Organs suitable for transplantation can be obtained from living donors from people who have lost their Decedents or from among the patient’s relatives. If the relatives of people who have lost their lives (brain dead) under intensive care conditions make the decision to donate organs, the lives of many patients are saved with these organs.
A liver transplant performed with organs donated in this way is called a “cadaveric liver transplant”. Because the number of organ donations is not enough, most patients lose their lives while waiting for a new liver. As a solution to this, it is possible to save the patient’s life by taking a part of his liver from another living being (a relative of the patient) (liver transplantation from a living being). For this purpose, a relative of the patient’s own blood type volunteers for such an operation. The person who is a donor candidate is subjected to intensive examinations and evaluations. If there is no obstacle to giving liver, there is; the liver section appropriate to the patient’s weight (right or left) is taken from the donor and inserted into the place of the patient’s liver.
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