Neurosurgery in other words, the brain and nervous system disorders, or tumors arising from the brain and spinal cord tissue pressing on the treatment of the tissues, as well as low back and neck pain, including head and spinal cord injuries, brain blockages in the arteries and bleeding in the brain, an aneurysm of the vein in the brain and spinal cord so baloncuklasma is the branch of science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as.
Narrowing of the vessels in the neck and emerging diseases in new born babies during the formation of the nervous system, epilepsy who do not respond to drug therapy, diseases that affect many vital functions, such as Parkinson’s chosen cases that interfere with the surgical methods section. The dictionary meaning of neurosurgery, derived from the words neuron and chirurgery, is ‘he who heals wounds of the nervous system’. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases observed in both adult and pediatric patient groups are performed at the brain and nerve diseases clinic. Many high-tech devices are used during surgery and microsurgical procedures. Neurology is the branch of neurosurgery in which the necessary diagnostic and treatment methods are applied by working together with the departments of neuroradiology, neuroanesthesia.
Cerebral Vascular Diseases
Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors
Diseases of the Spine
Childhood Brain and Nerve Diseases (Pediatric Neurosurgery)
Traumas (Brain injury as a result of assault or accident)
Treatment of Functional Diseases
Cerebral Vascular Diseases
There is an endovascular, i.e. interventional neuroradiology and surgery (microsurgical) working group for the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases. Treatment methods can be applied separately or together depending on the patient’s condition.
Cerebral Vascular Aneurysms: This is a cerebral vascular disease that occurs in the form of bubbles in the cerebral vessels, which can cause sudden worsening with bleeding and loss of life.
Arterio-Venous Malformation: It is a vascular disease prone to bleeding, in which the arteries and veins are traced in the form of a ball in the brain.
Carotid Stenosis: It is a narrowing and blockage of parts of the carotid artery in the neck or brain. A stroke (stroke) occurs with the formation of a clot, and treatment should be performed within hours.
Brain Hemorrhages: This is a condition in which blood leaks into the brain membranes or brain tissue.
Cerebral Vascular Occlusion: This is a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain due to cerebral vascular occlusion. This condition is known as a stroke or stroke and should be treated quickly. It may be possible to open the blocked vessel by endovascular methods, to provide brain bloodletting again by microsurgery, or to relieve the trapped brain tissue.
Brain and Spinal Cord Tumors
Surgical intervention is performed with microsurgical and endoscopic techniques in both adults and childhood brain and nerve tumors. Patients are evaluated by a council consisting of a brain and neurosurgeon, a radiation oncologist, a medical oncologist and a neuroradiologist. In some tumors, long-term chemotherapy (drug therapy) and/or radiotherapy (radiation therapy) planning is performed. Especially in pituitary tumors, especially in head base tumors, operations are performed with the participation of an ENT specialist who is part of the surgical team.
Diseases of the Spine
Surgical intervention is performed for traumatic spinal diseases such as accidents and injuries, spinal cord canal narrowing and congenital diseases that occur during old age, such as slipping at the waist. In addition, diseases such as lumbar and cervical hernias are treated by brain and neurosurgeons. Herniated disc, neck pain, and spine stabilization (instrumentation) methods are applied and where mikrosirurjikal surgery endoscopic “minimally invasive spine center”I also rehabilitation services, in conjunction with the Department of physical therapy and rehabilitation are planned. Minimally invasive pain interventions, that is, non-surgical interventional treatments applied for pain, are also maintained within this discipline.
Childhood Brain and Nerve Diseases (Pediatric Neurosurgery)
Surgical intervention is applied to congenital and acquired head and spine diseases. These include tumors, vascular diseases, hydrocephalus, defined as the collection of brain water in the head, and “spinal dysrafism”, which is more common, especially during the newborn period, mainly includes lumbar Declivity.
Traumas (Brain injury as a result of assault or accident)
Urgent interventions are applied to patients with head injuries without wasting time. Patients are treated together with the intensive care unit. They are also directed to physical therapy and rehabilitation programs simultaneously. The aim is to eliminate the vital risk and improve the quality of life. All kinds of traumas that can develop due to various accidents (head trauma, spinal trauma, etc.) rapid diagnosis, diagnosis and care can be carried out by the brain, spinal cord and neurosurgery team working in coordination for 24 hours together with the emergency department and intensive care unit.
Treatment of Functional Diseases
In diseases that reduce the quality of life, such as Parkinson’s and similar involuntary movement disorders, brain battery application is especially performed. The treatment of spasticity that occurs later due to congenital reasons or as a result of severe head trauma is performed by “selective dorsal rhizotomy” or “baclofen pump placement” surgeries. Epilepsy surgery operations are planned in cases of epilepsy, that is, Sara’s disease, which cannot be achieved successfully with drug therapy. The working group, which was formed with the participation of neurologists, psychiatrists and physical therapists, decides whether surgical treatment is necessary or beneficial for all functional diseases by making the necessary evaluations.
Thanks to advanced technology systems, the risks of surgery are minimized
Neuronavigation: Operations in brain, spinal cord and neurosurgery are performed with the neuronavigation system, which provides the possibility of 3-dimensional imaging. This method is used in brain tumors, brain tumor biopsy, spine and spinal cord surgery, and Parkinson’s surgery. In this system, the use of the patient’s images taken before or during surgery during surgery is called “neuronavigation”. In this method, the patient’s MRI is taken before the surgery and transferred to the neuronavigation device. The anatomical or physiological image obtained from the patient’s MRI can be used during surgery. Thus, various risk areas in the patient’s brain or spinal cord can be seen with real-time neuronavigation during surgery and planning is made accordingly. This technology, which provides a high degree of accuracy approach to the targeted area in the brain and spine, minimizes the damage that may occur to healthy tissue during the operation.
Neuromonitorization: In tumors located in a sensitive area of the brain, aneurysm or AVM surgery, spinal cord tumors and sensitive spinal surgery such as scoliosis, a signal is received from electrodes placed on the patient’s face, arms and legs before surgery after the patient is put to sleep by a neurology doctor. When there is a drop in the signal, the surgeon is informed by giving a warning that he is in a sensitive area. In this way, the risk of facial, arm or leg paralysis that may occur after surgery is greatly reduced.
Intraoperative ultrasonography: During surgery, the location and how much of the brain or spinal cord tumor has been removed is checked using an ultrasound device by a radiology specialist doctor. In particular, it allows the removal of all tumors that are difficult to distinguish from brain and spinal cord tissue.
Endoscopy: Provides a wide viewing angle from a small area, especially in areas where narrow corridors are used as a path for operations on pituitary, intraventricular tumors and hydrocephalus. In addition, it is an alternative treatment option to microsurgery for common spinal problems such as herniated disc.
Gliolan Staining Technique: The patient is given a gliolan substance that makes the tumor look different colors before surgery. During surgery, normal brain tissue and tumor tissue are seen in different colors with the special filter of the surgical microscope. With this method, normal brain tissue damage is minimized, tumor removal is at a maximum level, and the patient’s risk of neurological loss is reduced.
Awake craniotomy: In the sensitive surgery of tumors of the area responsible for arm and leg movements called the speech center or “motor area”, the patient is operated by keeping awake. In this way, the person’s speech and arm-leg movements are controlled during the operation and damage is prevented. The success of surgery increases with this method.
Intraoperative CT (O-Arm): Computed tomography can be taken during surgery and the status of the operation can be displayed. It is especially used in spinal screw surgeries. it is observed that there is no margin of error in screw operations performed with O-Arm technology, which can take 3-dimensional tomography images. It provides critical information to the surgeon at each stage of the operation, and the risk of recurrence of the disease is reset. Thanks to this, the patient is exposed to less radiation. The method allows the operation to be performed with smaller incisions. In addition to these advantages, it reduces the risk of infection.
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