Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer occurs when the milk-producing cells that make up the milk duct in the breast tissue multiply uncontrollably. Breast cancer accounts for 33% of cancers seen in women. It threatens 20% of all cancer patients. Currently, 1 out of every 8 women lives with the risk of facing breast cancer throughout her life.


In recent years, significant advances in the treatment of breast cancer and new treatment opportunities have enabled the disease to be completely eliminated by early diagnosis and treatment. Currently, with the significant advances made in the treatment of breast cancer and new treatment options, the diagnosis and treatment of the disease have become easier and more successful. In the treatment of breast cancer, the priority is the treatment and applications aimed at protecting the breast. In breast cancer caught at an early stage, without breast loss, the spread of the disease can be detected in advance with advanced techniques, prevention can be taken, and the tumor is directly intervened. In advanced breast cancer, breast reconstruction (a new breast) can be performed using plastic surgery techniques in cases where breast removal is involved by surgery. Breast cancer can be treated at a rate close to 100% thanks to early diagnosis.

Breast cancer treatment varies depending on what stage the patient is at. There is no need for chemotherapy treatment after surgery at stage 0. Most often, radiation therapy is also added to the treatment. Since the mass is small in stages I and II, it is decided whether to apply chemotherapy followed by surgery first. In stage III, chemotherapy treatment is performed first, and then the patient is taken to surgery. If it is in stage IV, surgery may be considered if the cancer has not spread to too many areas of the body. But if the cancer has spread too much, only surgery is definitely not recommended. Only chemotherapy and sometimes radiotherapy treatment are applied. In the near future, it is expected that breast cancer-specific vaccines will also be used in treatment in the near future.

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