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The soft tissue within the oral cavity (cheek, palate, tongue, lip, etc.) and hard tissue (teeth, bones) of any condition of interest in the diagnosis and surgery under local anesthesia, general anesthesia or sedation by anesthesia that performs operations under this section.

Within the scope of Oral Dental Maxillofacial Diseases and Surgery;

Dental implant applications
Diagnosis and treatment of jaw cysts and tumors,
Sinus base upgrade operations,
Bone ogmentations (bone augmentation treatment)
Orthognathic surgical operations


Patients who have lost their natural teeth due to various reasons such as trauma, gum disease and caries; It is our department where the patient’s tooth deficiency is eliminated by placing titanium or ceramic-based artificial roots on the jawbone and making fixed or movable prostheses on them.


Digital Smile Design:

It is the creation of a personalized aesthetic smile design using digital technologies.

Full Ceramic Crowns / e-max :

Preferred in cases of substance loss and tooth deficiency in the tooth, they are the closest veneer restorations to the natural tooth appearance, transparency.

Porcelain Laminated Crowns:

Restorations that require minimal etching (0.3-0.5 mm) with the highest light transmittance and give the closest result to the natural tooth. It is also known as leaf porcelain.

Laminated Crowns without Preparation (without cutting):

They are porcelain restorations that give the most natural result by being glued to the surface of the natural tooth without requiring etching. It is especially applied in our patients who complain about the gaps between their teeth or the smallness of their teeth. Decembers.

Zirconium Crowns:

In cases of substance loss in the tooth, where there is more than one tooth missing, and root canal treatment, etc. they are the preferred coating restorations to mask the purple – brown discolorations that occur on the tooth after treatments.

Composite Laminated Restorations:

These are restorations made by stratification technique to the surface of teeth with composite filling material. Etching is not performed on the tooth.

Bonding Restoration (diastema (intermittent tooth) closure):

It is a treatment method in which the Dec December of the teeth is closed with composite filling material and aesthetic appearance is achieved by creating contact between two teeth.

Pink Aesthetics (gum aesthetics- gingivoplasty):

It is a set of periodontal treatments that are applied to correct the level differences in the gums, where the gum looks too much when you laugh, there is a coloring in the gum (purple coloring due to smoking), or the level differences in the gums.

Orthodontic Treatment:

It is a whole set of treatments that includes sorting and leveling December of teeth, perplexities of teeth with metal bracket, porcelain bracket or transparent plaques (invisalign).

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